Wow, great blog ! My sister came across this and forwarded it to me. Its funny, just a few weeks ago I was at a Farmers Market with my kids. My 7 year old daughter went crazy to get some snap peas, the older couple selling at tihs particular booth was just utterly shocked that my kids WANTED them, let alone would be willing to eat them. He kept asking, how did you get them to eat these, what do you bribe them with, and things like that. He really wouldnt believe me that they truly just wanted them, that it was a snack for them . . . So we bought about a pound, and my daughter, along with my 3 year old son ate the whole bag before we got to our destination (about a 2 hour drive).
I bought the cook book, Deceptively Delicious, by Mrs Seinfeld. I like a lot of the recipes in it, but its hard for me to make them. I dont like the idea of hiding vegetables just so the kids will eat them.
My experience is kids love vegetables, when they dont have a sweet, over processed, salty, alternative.
Jennifer Wiegand