My husband made some yummy beef kalbi (Korean short ribs) that are marinated in all sorts of yumminess including mirin, kiwifruit and 7up (yes, 7up!). He grilled the beef along with some gorgeous striped eggplant, and served with brown rice and a plain salad.
My eldest cried out when he saw his plate, “I hate eggplant!” and so I told him to give it one taste which he did then made a disgusted look. So, I said to just give it to me (it was so delicious). I reminded him of other times he’s had eggplant and liked it.
“No I didn’t” was his reply. My middle son echoed it. Whatever.
So two nights later I made a summer stew with eggplant, kale, baby potatoes (some from our “garden”— pathetic effort this year), sweet potatoes, chicken, chickpeas, tomatoes, garlic, fresh ginger, onion, Middle Eastern spices and cilantro. It was so good and we were in a rush to get places so I even packed up my middle son’s in a thermos flask to eat on the road.
Funny thing is they both devoured the dish and when I mentioned that there was eggplant in it, my middle son denied that it was even there. I had to physically point it out to him. He then tasted one piece and said, “Oh, Ok.”
So… sometimes it’s just how you serve it. Alone, grilled, in a dish with many other items, raw, steamed, baked, with certain spices, etc… It may not be received well one way, but they may actually like it done differently.
I find with many kids it can be the texture that puts them off with certain vegetables, that’s why raw over cooked or vice versa may be preferred.