Sometimes I put quick links, recipes, tips, photos and such stuff, that I often find don’t need full posts, onto Twitter. You might find more information that you might not see if you’re just following my tumblog.
And while you’re at it. Go to my actual site and click around. Might find what you’re looking for and some things that you didn’t even know you were looking for. 😉
I am working on revamping my site so that the recipes are easier to access and search. Until the kids are back in school (end of August) I just don’t think it’ll be anywhere near finished. I am trying to get stuff done around the house and find more (paying) work for my husband (and me) since he lost his job. If you really want to be supportive, click on the ads on my site (maybe I’ll earn enough for a cup of tea).
Luckily we joined the CSA. We paid half months ago and they’ll let us pay the remaining half over the next two months. My kids will always have fresh vegetables in their diet. Not that we’re at that point, I just know that I don’t have to think about it.
Oh, and while you’re at it can you “like” my Facebook page? There is sometimes a bit more on it that is not on Twitter or tumblr. I’m trying to build traffic in all areas so that I can start a real business. I have to show that I’ve got people interested. My Facebook page has the fewest followers (or those that “like” it) of all my sites. Oh, wait, no that’s not true. My Pinterest page has the fewest followers. So, you might want to repin some of my posts there too.
I’m sorry if I sound pushy. I’m just trying to broaden my audience so that I can help more people. And maybe one day I’ll make money from doing what I consider my passion.