- Roast whole squash on cookie sheet
- Cut where bulbous end meets thin end and
- scoop seeds out, peel away from skin
- Throw into Cuisinart w/butter, salt, pep
- Blend until smooth (1-2 min)
- Yummy!
Roast Butternut Squash!
My favorite way to prepare; it take a long time but if you have it, it’s worth it!
Place whole squash in preheated 350F oven for an hour on a baking tray. Test with thin skewer if done. If it meets resistance put back in until done. It can take 1 1/2 hours plus if it’s a large one. Cut in half near where bulbous base meets cylindrical end. Scoop seeds and sinew out of base and peel skin away from meat. Place in food processor with large knob of butter (Tbsp), sea salt and finely ground pepper. Pulse for one minute plus until evenly smooth. Serve.
It’s great to prepare the day before Thanksgiving. Just reheat in microwave safe dish stirring occasionally when rest of meal is ready.