This is different from many of my normal posts. This is an homage to a friend with similar interests and whose kids really eat healthy foods too. She and her family moved across country.
Amy cooks a mean meal. And my kids and I were lucky enough to enjoy many… but not anymore. Or at least not for some time to come.
She and I didn’t hit it off right away- well we did but it was in an as acquaintances sort of way, until a few years back when our friendship really blossomed. Now it’s much deeper than when we met over 10 years ago. Wow, 10 years- how time has flown!
We met through my friend, Jane, who worked in comedy club in NYC— Amy’s husband is a comedian. Jane is from NZ and Jane was friends with him and found out that Amy and Andrew just happened to live around the corner from us in CT.
Her eldest son is 2 weeks younger then my eldest. Her middle son is 8 1/2 months older than my middle son and my youngest is 4 1/2 months younger than her daughter. Her birthday is 4 days after mine. Her husband’s birthday is 4 days before my husband’s. Our eldest sons even walked their first steps on the same day; the day of her son’s first birthday party.
She doesn’t roll her eyes when I get up on my soapbox. Actually she’s quite likely to join me up there.
She keeps her house tidy and gets rid of the clutter that I’m constantly battling. When she sets her mind to something, it’s done. She’s a constant source of inspiration.
Amy makes friends easily. Sometimes, to people I’d never give a second glance to. I admire that. She’s a beautiful person. We’ve laughed together so many times.
She’ll call me up and say I’m coming over with dinner. Or Come on over— what have you got in the fridge, so we can make dinner together? I make cocktails and one seemed to be ours (chili mango margarita). Spur of the moment get togethers were common.
Our kids love each other.
Our dogs love each other.
Our husbands love each other.

They’ve moved before. Even left for California before. But this time is different. This time they’ve moved to where we can’t just drive over in 25 minutes or less. They left for the other coast. They left a hole behind.
When we had a freak snow storm in October they let us move into their house for days and when our electricity returned we didn’t rush home but ate dinner together and regretted leaving so we got together just a couple of days later. And during that time our towns cancelled/delayed Halloween so she had us all get dressed up in costumes and trick or treat around her house— the kids went to the 2 diff back doors, the garage door, the front door where the 4 adults were stationed to hand out candy.

When her kids come over I don’t have to worry about what they’ll eat or not eat. They eat like mine; almost everything. Amy can cook great food and we are often giving each other ideas for meals. We would cook together most times we hung out at each other’s homes. Her kids really eat this too!
It’s a loss for our whole family and I feel it more because it’s not just me. I feel it especially for my eldest son who doesn’t make friends as easily as my other sons. Her son signed Harry’s birthday card: “From your best, best, best, best, best friend in the world!”
I know we’ll get to visit and they’ll visit, but it’s just not the same.
I’ve said goodbye so many times over the years. But it’s usually me who’s leaving. I’ve usually got something to look forward to— instead of this emptiness in our lives.
I will miss her, them, us… together.