I Don’t Want It! I Hate It!
That was the mantra from my sons when they saw dinner. I told them to just sit down at the table. They still said they wouldn’t eat it. I didn’t try to persuade them. I didn’t say they had to eat it; just to sit down with us.
Then they both started trying to pick out the rice and eat that. Soon they were eating up the shrimp and vegetables too— basically eating the whole bowl full that they were given. Here toward the end of dinner, the 2 boys explain how they reacted to their dinner. (Youngest son was not feeling well & asleep.)
Shrimp, arugula, kale, chard, garlic, garlic scapes, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, Singapore Spice (citrus curry) over rice.
Sometimes it just takes being firm. Not giving in. Sometimes the kids actually will enjoy the food they’re given if they’d just give it a try.